Les Trois Rois: SMC Basel #6, 2016

Wedding of the Generations
Happening, 10 September, 2016

Initiated and curated by Benedikt Wyss with the Social Muscle Club


In cooperaton with Christoph Merian Stiftung. Support: Swisslos-Fonds Basel-Stadt, Ernst Göhner Foundation, Futurum Foundation, Denk An Mich Foundation

The Grand Hotel Les Trois Rois is the oldest hotel in Europe. Goethe was here and Picasso, also the Empress of Japan or the Dalai Lama. Together with six Basel retirement estates, the Social Muscle Club Basel invited guests to the great „Wedding of the Generations“ in the Salle Belle Epoque. Unique, unforgettable, and all dressed up. Dresscode Cocktail​ www.socialmuscleclub.ch

Shows selection: 2019 Belluard Festival Fribourg, 2019 Zürcher Theater Spektakel, 2018 Schauspielhaus Zürich, 2017 Berliner Theatertreffen, 2016 Scalabrini Center Capetown, 2016 Troyeville Hotel Johannesburg, 2016 Kunsthalle Basel, 2016 Grand Hotel Les Trois Basel, 2015 Broken Relationships Zagreb

Photo: Nicolas Gysin, Social Muscle Club Elisabethen

31. May 2024

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