Lago Mio, the first artist residency in the old town of Lugano, Switzerland, was founded by Carlotta Zarattini and Benedikt Wyss
in fall 2018. This limited edition of 100 copies, the first Lago Mio publication, brings together the works created by its four first guest artists: Chika Anadu, Zayne Armstrong, Tobias Madison, and Johannes Willi. All video stills printed in this book can be set to motion via the PRIMO Print in motion app. ISBN 978-3-033-07551-1
Lago Mio Edition No. 1:
Published by Lago Mio Editions
Edited by Benedikt Wyss
Co-editor: Giovanna Silva
Authors: Chika Anadu, M. Constantine, Zayne Armstrong, Milan Büttner, Tobias Madison, Johannes Willi, Benedikt Wyss, Carlotta Zarattini
Photography: Sabrina Montiglia, Sandra Lichtenstern, the artists
Lago Mio Editions is a publication of the Lago Mio Lugano artist residency, a project by Associazione Turba and Benedikt Wyss:
Directed by Carlotta Zarattini and Benedikt Wyss
Committee: Giulia Brivio, Elise Lammer, Samuel Leuenberger, Alice Nicotra, Claudia Scholz, Philip Selzer, Giovanna Silva, Claudio Vogt, Johannes Willi Jury 2019: Elise Lammer, Giovanna Silva, Benedikt Wyss
The exhibition Chika Anadu, Zayne Armstrong,Tobias Madison (26 October–25 November 2019) was curated by Benedikt Wyss.
© 2019 Lago Mio Editions. All rights reserved; No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission
of the artists, editors and publishers. The image and video copyrights belong to the artists and photographers involved. All copyright holders have given their consent to the reprint. If copyright holders have been overseen, please contact the publishers.
Graphic Design: Philippe Karrer
App initiated by Benedikt Wyss & Philippe Karrer
App programming: Neuland Software
Proof reading: Louise Trueheart, Richard Aslan
Printing and binding: Werner Druck & Medien, Basel Typography: Helvetica Neue, Sergio Script by Jannis Zell Paper: Cardboard 930 g/m2, Pro Futura 115 g/m2
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Lago Mio is kindly supported by Città di Lugano, ERSL Ente e Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo del Luganese, EVAV Verein für die Erforschung und Vermittlung audiovisueller Kulturgüter Basel, and SALTS Birsfelden. Partners: Associazione Turba, Deli Projects, and PRIMO Print in motion. Thank you to our crowdfunding campaign partners: Die Mobiliar, Locarno Film Festival, Artphilein Editions, and Johannes Willi. Thank you to our private supporters: Camilla Fasolo Zarattini, Alan Pipitone, Danna & Giancarlo Olgiati, Lise & Alfredo Gysi, Marco Borradori, Associa- zione Spazio 1929, Anonymous, Andrea Grassi, Carlo Zarattini, Georg Loretan, Giulio Zarattini, Isabella & Filippo Ferrari, Michelle Nicol & Rudolf Schürmann, Rosella & Phillip Rolla, Anonymous, Angela Lyn, Demetrio Zanetti, Gianluca Bonetti, Veruska Gennari, Thomas Keller, Candia Camag- gi, Daniele Agostini, donors from the 1st of August event, donors from the Ich heisse Luft opening, Lena Lichtenstern, Sandra Lichtenstern, Ingrid & Alex Wyss, Miki & Max Tallone, Bruno Bolfo, Luisella & Luigi Degani, Bruno Labouret, Claudia Scholz, Elise Lichtenstern, Urs Jeker, Esmeralda Mattei, Pauline Martinet, Massimiliano Moro, Henri & Ra aella Peter, Roberto Pezzoli, Olivier Rossel, Daniele Cattaneo, Nicholas Costa, Nadia Emery, Cristina Fantin Gatti, Luisa Rusconi, Carlotta Rossi, Christoph Schön, Elide Brunati, Francisco Dias, Cristina Lucchetta, Guenda Bernegger, Francesca Felder, Elia Bianchi, Basil Ne , Fabio Pinto, Magali Riom Créatrice i.a. Thank you for the exchange of ideas: Philippe Bischoff, Marianne Burki, Luigi di Corato, Marco Franciolli, Gianni Garzoli, Elise Lichtenstern, and Sandra Lichtenstern