Final show of the 2019 residency program, 25 October–20 December, 2019
With Chika Anadu, Zayne Armstrong, Tobias Madison, press release PDF
Lago Mio Edition 1 with Chika Anadu, Zayne Armstrong, Tobias Madison, and Johannes Willi ISBN 978-3-033-07551-1
Edited and curated by Benedikt Wyss,
supported by Città di Lugano and crowdfunding
In 2018, Lago Mio, the first artist residency in the old town of Lugano, Switzerland, was inaugurated with a sleep-over installation by conceptual artist Johannes Willi. The comprehensive «final presentation» featured the works created by the filmmaking guest artists in residence in the summer/fall of 2019: Chika Anadu, Zayne Armstrong, and Tobias Madison (resident in physical absence). All works created within the framework of Lago Mio in 2018/2019 are represented in the first Lago Mio edition. Video stills in the book can be set in motion via the Primo Print in motion app.
Photography: Nicolas Gysin
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Lago Mio
Lugano artist residency / Residenza d'artista
Via Cattedrale 15
6900 Lugano
@lagomiolugano facebook
@lagomio instagram
Founded by Carlotta Zarattini and Benedikt Wyss
Committee: Johannes Willi (chairman), Giulia Brivio, Samuel Leuenberger, Alice Nicotra, Claudia Scholz, Philip Selzer, Claudio Vogt, Carlotta Zarattini. Jury: Elise Lammer, Giovanna Silva, Benedikt Wyss (curator)
Lago Mio is kindly supported by Città di Lugano and crowdfunding: Grazie C. Fasolo, A. Pipitone, L. Gysi, G. Zarattini, A. Grassi, N. Castelli, I. Ferrari, M. Nicol, R. Zanardini Rolla, G. Loretan, and V. Genneri, T. Keller, A. Lyn, C.Camaggi, D. Agostini, L. Lichtenstern, P. Martinet, B. Labouret, M. Moro, H. & R. Peter, O. Rossel, L. Degani, R. Pezzoli, B. Bolfo, C. Scholz, E. Brunati, U. Jeker, E. Lichtenstern, E. Mattei, D. Cattaneo, C. Rossi, N. Costa, C. Fantin Gatti, C. Schön, N. Emery, L. Rusconi, C. Lucchetta, F. Felder, G. Bernegger, F. Pinto, E. Bianchi, B. Neff, M. Riom Créatrice.