Kunsthalle Basel: Ayahuasca, 2018

Performance project with a Basler Fasnacht clique, February 18–21, 2018

With Johannes Willi, Die Unbaggene, David Escobar Parra, Camilo Pachón


Initiated and curated by Benedikt Wyss and Claudio Vogt

Supported by the Christoph Merian Stiftung, the Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung and Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Arts Council with additional support of Crispr Bogotá and Kunsthalle Basel

The project was launched with the exhibition I like The Universe in Bogotá, Colombia, initiated on the occasion of the Basler Dokumentartage 17, in the framework of the exhibition New Swiss Performance Now. Produced by Deli Projects, part of Wyss' field experiments, initiated on the occasion of the Basler Dokumentartage 17.

Willi deals with practices of the local carnival, both conceptually and creatively, to then reinterpret them in his very own style. In doing so, he asks the clique to wear costumes that, in relation to the nature-driven theme, consist of natural materials, and so he and the clique will embody a forest strolling through Basel‘s city center. Ayahuasca la vista started with the performance Yypfyffe at Kunsthalle Basel in the framework of the exhibition New Swiss Performance Now. Johannes Willi choreographs the traditional, usually intimate rite of initiation of the clique on the evening before the «Morgestraich» (the start of Basler Fasnacht) at Kunsthalle Basel and asks the clique to perform with specially built instruments. One might remember Willi‘s Beethoven experiment a few years ago with musicians from the Lucerne Festival Academy (2015).

«Will mir nadyyrlig Kinschtligs dien gschtalte
und umgekeert kinschtlig Nadyyrligs erhalte
zerscht zuebetoniere, denn renaturiere
also kinschtlig-humaan Natuur inschtalliere
bruchts Kinschtler wie mi, wo metamorphotisch
uffzaige könne, dass Kunscht an dr Noot isch.​» Die Unbaggene

Photos: Hans-Jörg Walter, Dominik Asche, Jonas Egli, Die Unbaggene





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