SALTS Birsfelden: On Fire, 2019

Group exhibition, performances; 11 April –11 May, 2019 pdf press release and images

With Melanie Bonajo, Samira Elagoz, Juliana Huxtable, Carolyn Lazard, Leigh Ledare, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Tobias Madison, Markus&Markus, Shayok Mukhopadhyay, Christoph Schlingensief, Martine Syms, Johannes Willi, Sasha Wortzel with Morgan Bassichis. Opening with Jannik Giger, Legion Seven, and Awet Tesfazghi


Curated by Benedikt Wyss with Boris Nikitin (Basler Dokumentartage) and Samuel Leuenberger (SALTS Birsfelden)

Commissioned by the Basler Dokumentartage 19. Supported by Swisslos-Fonds Basel-Stadt, Swisslos Basel-Landschaft, Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Migros Kulturprozent, Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, Christoph Merian Stiftung, SüdKulturFonds, Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art, zürich moves!, Deli Projects, SALTS, L. + Th. La Roche-Stiftung, Institut Kunst – HGK FHNW, Basel, Tweaklab, Bravo Ricky, Verein EVAV a.o.

Liveliness, disease, and mortality are inscribed in the moving image. Presenting new and older film and video works, the exhibition «On Fire – Vulnerable Footage» investigated human vulnerability as a potential to represent, uncover, cope, interfere.

The extensive video group show was located in ten rooms on the grounds of SALTS: the main rooms, garages, and a washroom of the former butchery, a new building in the courtyard, a tent (video installation by Shayok Mukhopadhyay), the pavilion (by Sol Calero, converted into an exhibition space), and a replica of a NYC rooftop water tank (by Lena Henke, converted into an exhibition space).

31. May 2024

#citysalts #baselcity #birsriver our summerparty and openings during #artbasel is just 2 weeks away! Thursday, 13 June 2024, 6 PM #baselswitzerland #birsfelden Photo: Nicolas Gysin, 2024 …mehr

23. April 2024

Thu. 25 April, 6–9 pm Kunstverein SALTS is kicking off its spring season! We warmly invite you to the openings of three new exhibitions at City SALTS in Birsfelden. more …mehr

11. February 2024

Buchvernissage: 11. März 2024, 18.30 Uhr Historisches Museum Basel, Barfüsserkirche, Barfüsserplatz 7, Basel Mit Spannung erwartet, nun sind sie da: die ersten vier Bände der neuen Basler Stadtgeschichte sind ab 9. März 2024 überal …mehr



Cura Magazine
Contemporary Art Switzerland

Kunstverein SALTS
Hauptstrasse 12
4127 Birsfelden

Photos opening: Nicolas Gysin
Graphic design: Ronnie Fueglister

Thank you to Medhanie Abraham and Adam Bagnowski with Fabián Rivera, Chris Handberg, Fred Kieschnick, Stephan Kümin, Johannes Willi, Lea Leuenberger, Elia Bianchi, Sandra Lichtenstern, and Martina Kausch, Chus Martínez, Stefan Mireke, Jannik Giger, Abdurahim Ahmed, Matthias Pugin, Cevat Sari and Olivier Rossel.
